I'm here all alone in this old brown house tryin to fall asleep I try not to think of all the grizzly bears they are all around I know because I've seen 'em I try not to think about all those pixies (sweet pixies) who made me feel like home all those sweet pixies who made feel like I was NOT alone this house is on the hills in this tiny rain forest but it doesn't rain for weeks now and I try not to think about the grizzly bears because I know they are all around
here somewhere in the heart of me there is still a part of me that cares
at night a candle's brighter than the sun
takes more than combat gear to make a man takes more than a license for a gun confront your enemies avoid them when you can a gentleman will walk but never run [GMS 1987]
the sky is there the sky is everywhere
zimmer 22
this does NOT exist anymore
the first time that I met my mate was in a building that houses the things I love but she seemed to feel the things I feel she is the object of my affection I never thought that you'd care I can't believe that you're still living there but you'll always be the last who sees that everything happens for a reason
yes I've seen nice buildings even one cathedral maybe romanic maybe gothic but you know very well I stay awake way too much